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Spare parts for equipment Horeca, Fast-food

Spare parts for equipment Horeca, Fast-food

Spare parts and constitutive elements for food equipment of the leading companies of EU, Russia, Belarus and Taiwan.
The largest warehouse of food equipment spare parts in Ukraine is located in Donetsk city. We accepts orders from the holders and heads of coffee-houses, restaurants, bars, refectories, bakery shops, commercial centers and services departments of professional equipment repair all through Ukraine. Search component of parts and consumable materials is executed with the help of a large database. It suffices to name a manufacturer and model of the equipment in the effect that a manager of the information technology portal ukrzip.com.ua finds required component parts.
Technical information (description, explosion-schemes, electrical schematics, and manuals passports) is provided without cost to the clients. An application for its receipt can be drawn up with the help of a convenient on-line form posted here: https://ukrzip.com.ua/contacts. In order to get to know all technical data it suffices to leave your mobile telephone number or e-mail address.
Our company has been cooperating with popular in Ukraine manufacturers of food industry equipment for many years:
1) Italian companies - Beckers, Unox, Eksi, Brema, GGF, Bras, Bassanina, Lame Italia, Macap, Zanussi, Fama, Pasquini and Sigma;
2) French trademarks - Roller Grill, Robot Coupe and Santos;
3) Rational German Corporation;
4) Danish manufacturers - Elcold and Frigor;
5) KT Finnish Company;
6) Fagor Spanish Trademark;
7) Electrolux Swedish Corporation;
8) Kovinastroj Slovene Company (since2002 – Kogast);
Even if there is no a certain manufacturer in the list you can resort to a manger of the company for selection of the component parts manufactured by this manufacturer. Parts catalogue is tremendous and is updated regularly therefore not always all names of goods can be found in the site. Our specialists can sort out even rare spare parts. Telephone consultation can be gotten at any time convenient for you.
5 reasons to by mincing machine spare parts from the company ukrzip.com.ua
1. There is always a great assortment of knives and plates of Italian and German for production mincing machines trademarks of such as Fama, Everest, Sirman, Fimar, Mainca, Kolbe and KT in the site. There are also knives for Byelorussian mincing machines of «Torgmash» production.
2. Our specialists will help you to sort knives out of various configurations, dimensions and for various types of grinding:
• Enterprise – is not used for large establishments of public catering (up to 30-50 seats). It carefully grinds products and keeps their organoleptical properties. It consists of 1 knife and 1 plate;
• «Semi-Unger» is designed to medium-sized coffee-houses and restaurants (from 50 до 100 seats). It consists of 2 knives and 1 plate;
• «Complete Unger» is produced for large-scale supermarkets and restaurants (for 100-500 seats) wherein over 10 kg of meat are processed per day. It includes 3 plates and 2 knives and provides high degree of meat and fish grinding as well as it permits to prepare pastes and minced meat for sale as any components are minced up to homogeneous state.
3. Discounts on spare parts at the rate of 15 % are for granted regular customers.
4. Free delivery if order overruns 3 thous. UAH. The same bonus is granted in case of rebuy.
5. You can order spare parts at any time convenient for you in Donetsk city. Delivery is executed throughout Ukraine by «Nova Poshta», by courier and «Delivery» and «In-time transport companies.
The webs to bandsaws for meat (15 standard sizes) are represented in the site. All of them are manufactured from stainless steel or carbon steel permitted for use in food industry. Restaurants and supermarkets should not economize on these expendable materials only as the webs of high quality can guarantee maximally even and smooth cut.
Spare parts for stoves, cookboxes and other thermal equipment.
Repair of thermal equipment is also often required at the establishments of public catering along with mechanical equipment repair. It is permanently exploited in heavy conditions (high temperature, frequent change of operating modes).
Specialists of the information technology portal ukrzip.com.ua return any professional cooking equipment for pizza, pancakes, soups, side dishes and other dishes to operating condition. You can order a large list of spare parts:
• Tubular heating elements for electric cookers, stoves, fry surfaces, baking ovens, crepe makers, fry vats, grills and microwave ovens with grill;
• burners for native and foreing electrical and gas stoves;
• packet-type switches for thermal equipment of EGO German producer.
Thermostats for thermal equipment, ice generators, evaporators and shop-windows are also available. At our warehouse you can select spare parts for professional coffee machines, dishwashers and laundry washers, refrigerators, refrigerating chambers, shop-windows, doughmans, electric boiling pans, vegetable cutting machines, potato-peeling machines and convection steamers.
Order placement
1. If you found the spare parts in the site you need to state a code specified above the picture. The picture corresponds strictly to the goods delivered by the company.
2. If a spare part is not available in the site you need to specify a name of the goods and its manufacturer, model, serial number and to name and describe a required component.
3. Managers of the information technology portal ukrzip.com.ua know all about spare parts for professional equipment for furnished up-to-date establishments of public catering. We shall help you to resolve even the most complex engineering problem.

«Food equipment»
Capacity of food industry equipment depends upon a number of seats.
Specialists of the information technology portal ukrzip.com.ua will will help you to equip your restaurant, coffee-house, refectory, and cookery, bread baking shop or supermarket in the shortest possible time and professionally in Ukraine. Should you decide to purchase food equipment, please, take a close look at the assortment represented in the site. All industrial engineering for mechanical and thermal processing of food stuffs as well as cooling units and миття посуду, щоб machines imported to our country are of European quality.
In the catalogues you can find professional of such equipment global brands as Beckers, Unox, Eksi, Brema, GGF, Bras, Bassanina, Lame Italia, Macap, Zanussi, Fama, Pasquini, Sigma, Roller Grill, Robot Coupe, Santos, Elcold, Frigor, Atesy, Cryspi, Italfrost, Je-Ju, Karma, Sinmag, Electrolux, Fagor, КТ and «Torgmash». Any consumable materials and spare parts for food equipment are always available. It will be no trouble to repair any non-effective equipment.
Explosion-schemes, electrical schematics, passports and manuals for all represented goods are delivered free of charge for the engineers of service departments and holders of public catering establishments. In order to take advantage of the multitudinary technical basis of the company it will suffice to draw up an on-line application. At any time you may pose a question to managers of the information technology portal telephonically.
Company's specialists execute warranty and post-warranty repair of all represented food equipment in Donetsk city and region. The engineers rendering these services have specialized education and wide experience.
Choice of equipment for food enterprises.
Much depends upon how many seats are expected for the establishment. There are small-scale (for 30-50 persons), medium-sized (from 50 до 200) and large-scale (per 200-500) enterprises. Turnover of the seats is not insignificant too. For example, it is usually higher at the restaurants and bars than at bistros, snackbars and refectories. This defines capacity of equipment required for installation. And also many establishments of public catering are specialized in preparation of strictly defined dishes (snack-bars, dumpling-houses, tea-houses and pancake houses). Equipment shall be selected accordingly.
For small-scale enterprises of public catering it will suffice to purchase the mincing machines of G series designed for products grinding by one knife and one plate (Enterprise system). They cost relatively at a cheap price and keep original taste of products better but they are not designated for large volumes.
For medium-sized enterprises it is better to select the mincing machines with two knives and one plate («Semi-Unger» system) and for large-scale – with three knives and three plates (Unger system). The units of the last type make minces and pastes of very high quality which can be sold at supermarkets. But they are designated for processing of large volumes of products (from 10 kg per one processing) and will be unprofitable for coffee-houses.
Qualitative food equipment for preparation of pastes, minces and other meat dishes as well as for meat cuts are produced by such famous companies as Fama, Sirman and Everest (Italy), Mainca (Spain), Kolbe (Germany), KT (Finland). Any spare parts to them and expendable material are always available at the whorehouse www.ukrzip.com.ua.
Contemporary equipment market of food industry permits to automatize any cooking process to the maximum.
1. Convective stoves of Unox production (Italy) enables to produce baking of high quality with aromatic crisp. Depending on capacity they can be equipped with one or some ventilators; the function of steam humidification is also available.
2. Doughmans, dough sheeting rollers and stoves for pizzas of GGF production (Italy) enables to prepare popular dishes in a matter of minutes.
3. Stoves, смаження surfaces, boilers and pasta cookers, deep-fat fryers, marmites for potato wedges of Kovinastroj production (Slovenia) are used at large-scale establishments of public catering for cooking of the dishes of European cuisine. Most of the models are output in gas and electric versions.
4. Refrigerated display cases, makelines and freezing tables of Fagor production (Spain) enable to store and cool ready meals and drinks for certain period of time.
5.    Ice-making units of Brema production (Italy) are necessary for production of drinks and cocktails, fish and meat storage as well as they are used for medical purposes. They can «give out» up to 500 kg of ice per diem.
6.    Ice-choppers of Macap production (Italy) as well as juice squeezers, mixers, coffee-grinders and blenders of the same company gave a good account of themselves as units for drinks making at bars and coffee-houses. Minimal potion of cocktail is 1 glass.
7. Frontal dishwashers and glasswashers of Fagor production (Spain) not only wash dishes but also decontaminate them. Professional laundry washers of this Italian brand are in demand too.


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