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Santoprene hoses for pumps dispenser

Santoprene hoses for pumps dispenser

Chemicals which practically do not affect the santoprene tube condition.

Acetaldehyde, chloroacetic acid, Linseed oil, Potassium salts, Acetic acid, Chronic acid, Magnesium salts, Silver salts, Acetic anhydride, Chromium salt, Maleic acid, Soap, Acrylonitrile, Copper salts, Manganese salts, Sodium salt, Aluminum chloride, Ethylene glycol, Mercury salts, Sodium hydroxide, Aluminum sulfate, Iron salt, Methanol, Sodium hypochlorite, Ammonia, Fluoborate salts, Natural gas, Stearic acid, Ammonium salt, Fluoboric acid, Nickel salt, Sulfur dioxide, Ammonium hydroxide, Fluosilicic acid, Nitric acid-10%, Sulfuric acid, DIL, Amyl acetate, Formaldehyde, Nitroethane, Sulfuric acid, Antimony salt, Formamide, Fitric oxide, Tannic acid, Arsenic salt, Formic acid, Nitric acid, Tannic extracts, Barium salt, Glucose, Sodium phosphate, Benzoic acid, Glycerin, Mineral oils, Urea, Liquor bleaching, Hydrochloric acid, Vegetable oils, Uric acid, Boric acid, Prussic acid, Oxalic acid, Water, Bromine, Hydrogen peroxide, Oxygen, Water (brine), Butyric acid, Hydrogen sulfide, Phosphoric Acid, water (stoam), Calcium salts, Iodine, Phthalic acid, Zinc salts, Carbon dioxide, Lactic acid, Phosphoric acid, Chlorine (dry and wet, Lead salts.


Chemicals which slightly affect the santoprene tube condition.

Acetates, butane, Me Et Ketone, Skydrol 500-B4, Acetone, Butanol, Nitric acid-30%, Sulfuric acid-90%, Alcohols, Essential oils, Nitrobenzene, Tetrahydrofuran, Amyl alcohol, Esters, Oleic acid, Turpentine, Aniline, Ethanol, Phenol, Benzaldehyde, Furfural, Propanol, Benzyl alcohol, Lithium lubricant, Pyridine.


Chemicals which destroy Santoprene tubes. DO NOT USE!

Benzene, Cyclohexane, Kerosene, Nitric acid-70%, carbon Tetrachloride, ethyl Chloride, Trichloroethylene, Perchloroethylene, Chlorobenzene, Freon, Varnish, Toluene, Chloroform, unleaded Бензин, Naphtha, Xylene.

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